Week 4

to add to; to increase; to make bigger

Plastic surgery can be used to augment lips and other parts of the body.

Antonym: decrease

The decrease in rain was caused by a warm front.


smug; self-satisfied; pleased with oneself; contented to a fault

Gaston in Beauty and the Beast is a very complacent person.

Antonym: humble

 The humble girl blushed when her teacher praised her. 


cunning; duplicity

Foxes are seen as guile. 

Antonym: sincerity 

The sincerity in the young boy's voice made his mother believe him.


to waste

Squandering money is usually unwise. 

Antonym: conserve

Environmental conservation is seen as humans responsibility to the world.  


unceasing; never-ending

Incessant talking can quickly become annoying.

Antonym: discontinuous

Discontinued items are not being made anymore.


worthy of praise

The company's laudable reputation made them renown through the community.

Antonym: censurable 

The student's censurable behavior almost got them expelled


to prevent; to stop; to keep from doing something

The child was not deterred by the foul weather. 

Antonym: encourage

On sports teams, teammates usually try to encourage one another when they aren't doing well.


repetitive; unnecessary; excessively wordy

The politician's speech became redundant and many lost interest.

Antonym: inadequate 

The inadequate food supply only lasted the army a week.


shamefully wicked; having an extremely bad reputation; disgraceful.

Jesse James was an infamous outlaw out West. 


For samurai warriors in Japan, if you die without surrendering you are being honourable. 


exciting; attracting attention

Rainbows are provocative for many people. 

Antonym: noninflammatory

Every other species found Hobbits noninflammatory beings.